1. New “One-page Checkout” for quicker ordering process.
2. New "Related", “Upsell” and "Previously Viewed" product feature.
3. New user friendly navigations and quicker download time for your convenience.
4. New “Product Ratings" feature to rank your favorite products and to review potential products for purchasing.
5. New “Wish List” feature to allow you to save the items for later purchase when ready.
In celebration of the new site we have dropped our minimum order from $200.00 to only $100.00 per order! Please re-register on our new website to take advantage of all the new features and promotions. We welcome all suggestions and comments, so please do not hesitate to let us know how we can make your shopping experience more enjoyable.
Please visit us at Ceriwholesale.com to experience the new and improved Ceriwholesale.
Yours Truly,
Staff at Ceriwholesale.com